
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Länge: 84 min.

The Diaries of Adam and Eve

D 2023, R: Franz Müller mit Anca Androne, Álex Brendemühl, Belina Mohamed-Ali, 84 min, OmU

Premiere with international guests: leading actor Alex Brendemühl; director Franz Müller, producer Eva-Maria Weerts, awarded for best costume design: Chiara Minchio.
Shot in the jungles of Argentina, the heights of the Andes and in Berlin cityscapes, with an international cast - and the voices of Bill Callahan (USA) and Karen Lynne (Canada) in the acoustic leading roles.
Special mention Girona Filmfestival, Competition International Filmfest Munich - nominated for best actor and production, nominated for best film at the Filmfest Cologne, award for best costume design at the Achtung Berlin Filmfestival.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Länge: 109 min.

CinemAperitivo: La bocca dell'anima [The Healer],[OmeU] Italy 2024 R: Giuseppe Carleo mit Maziar Firouzi, Marilù Pipitone, Serena Barone, Maurizio Bologna. 109 Min.

Im Anschluss Aperitivo und Gespräch mit dem Regisseur, Produktion und Schauspielern.

Länge: 81 min.

Der Code (Orig. Titel: The Return from the Other Planet) (2023), Dokumentarfilm Israel/Deutschland, Sprache: Englisch, Hebräisch, Jiddisch, Niederländisch // Orig. mit deutschen Untertiteln, Länge: 81 min

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