
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Länge: 96 min.

Mit Max Mayhem & RHPS Berlin ... 

Das 16. Jahr für Rocky Horror im Babylon! Seid Ihr bereit?

The Rocky Horror Picture Show, USA 1975, R: Jim Sharman mit Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Meat Loaf, 96 Min, OV

Das Mitmach-Event zum Kult-Film – seit fast 50 Jahren Tradition und seit 16 Jahren im Babylon!

Are you ready for a unique film experience with The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the live shadow cast RHPS Berlin?

The participatory event for the cult film - a tradition for almost 50 years and at Babylon for 16 years!

Länge: 540 min.

U.S. Election Night with Democrats Abroad

Join Democrats Abroad, fellow U.S. Americans, and interested folks on election night! Stay all night to watch the returns come in. 

Länge: 80 min.

Dopo il grandesuccesso del tour italiano di RED SOX

Uno spettacolo comico di Luca Ravenna, con oltre 50 sold out in tutta Italia, di cui 12 a Milano, 4 a Roma, Bologna e Torino, ma anche a Palermo, Bari, Lecce, Napoli, Cagliari, Luca Ravenna porta il suo spettacolo (in italiano) in 7 paesi europei.

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