
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Länge: min.

The Greek Film Festival in Berlin

Eine Video Art Ausstellung im Spiegelsaal (Mirror Room) des BABYLON

Donnerstag, 21.03., 19 Uhr

Länge: 110 min.

DMP Cinema and Babylon invite you to experience the horror classic SAW (2004) for its 20th anniversary, totally uncut!

Länge: 96 min.

Mit Max Mayhem & RHPS Berlin ... 

Das 16. Jahr für Rocky Horror im Babylon! Seid Ihr bereit?

The Rocky Horror Picture Show, USA 1975, R: Jim Sharman mit Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Meat Loaf, 96 Min, OV

Das Mitmach-Event zum Kult-Film – seit fast 50 Jahren Tradition und seit 16 Jahren im Babylon!

Are you ready for a unique film experience with The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the live shadow cast RHPS Berlin?

The participatory event for the cult film - a tradition for almost 50 years and at Babylon for 16 years!

Länge: 87 min.

Stummfilm um Mitternacht: Girl Shy [OmU] USA 1924, R: Fred C. Newmeyer, Sam Taylor mit Harold Lloyd, Jobyna Ralston, Richard Daniels, 87 Min, Live: Anna Vavilkina (Orgel), Eintritt frei Admission free!

Länge: 91 min.

DMP Cinema and Babylon invite you to experience Wes Cravens iconic 80s horror masterpiece, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, for its 40th anniversary on Babylon's GIANT screen on Halloween!

Länge: 210 min.

DMP Cinema and Babylon invite you to see Halloween - The Rare Extended Cut (1978) AND Halloween II (1981) - both films in 4K and 100% uncut, back to back in the cinema, for one night only!

Länge: 1420 min.

This is the ultimate Harry Potter experience in Berlin: ALL EIGHT MOVIES in 24 hours!

DMP Cinema and BABYLON invite you to board the Hogwarts Express and embark on an incredible journey through the entire magical world of Harry Potter!

Tickets: €38
ALL EIGHT Harry Potter films!
Harry Potter Trivia!
Prize Giveaways!

RULES :-): You can bring food with you, but no drinks. Thanks :-)

Please help us, bring your garbage and throw it into the provided containers outside the hall
And plase put the empty bottles into the boxes. Thanks for your cooperation.

Länge: 540 min.

U.S. Election Night with Democrats Abroad

Join Democrats Abroad, fellow U.S. Americans, and interested folks on election night! Stay all night to watch the returns come in. 

Länge: 86 min.

Chaplin's The Gold Rush [Goldrausch] Begleitet vom Babylon Orchester Berlin

The Gold Rush [Goldrausch] USA, 1925,. R: Charles Chaplin mit Charles Chaplin, Georgia Hale, Mack Swain, Tom Murray 88 Min OmU (English Text & Deutsche Untertitel)

Länge: 89 min.

Modern Times, USA 1936, R: Charlie Chaplin mit Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Al Ernest Garcia, 89 Min, OmU



So, 31.3. 17:45 Ben Palmer

EINLASS /DOOR OPENS 1 hour Before - Please be on time :-) there is NO ADVERTISEMENT!

Länge: 81 min.

City Lights live mit Babylon Orchester Berlin unter der Leitung von Ben Palmer (10.2.)

City Lights [Lichter der Großstadt] USA 1931, R: Charlie Chaplin, mit Charlie Chaplin, Virginia Cherrill, Harry Myers, OmU

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