
Greta Garbo: Ninotchka USA 1939, R: Ernst Lubitsch mit Greta Garbo, Melvyn Douglas, Ina Claire, 110 Min, OmU

Garbo laughs. So will you.


USA  1939, R: Ernst Lubitsch mit Greta Garbo, Melvyn Douglas, Ina Claire, 106 Min,  OmU


Garbo Talks!
Proclaimed ads when silent star Greta Garbo debuted in talkies.
Nine years and 12 classic screen dramas later, the gifted movie legend was ready for another change.

Garbo Laughs! #cheered the publicity for her first comedy, a frothy tale of a dour Russian envoy sublimating her womanhood for Soviet brotherhood until she falls for a suave Parisian man-about-town (Melvyn Douglas).

Working from a cleverly barbed script written in part by Billy Wilder, director Ernst Lubitsch knew better than anyone how to marry refinement with sublime wit.

At least twice a day the most dignified human being is ridiculous, he explained about his acclaimed Lubitsch Touch.

That's how we see Garbo's lovestruck Ninotchka: serenely dignified yet endearingly ridiculous.
Garbo laughs. So will you.  

Die stramme Genossin Ninotchka wird nach Paris geschickt, in eine Stadt, in der die Frauen komische Hüte tragen. Ihre Aufgabe: Verkauf von Juwelen. In der französischen Hauptstadt trifft sie Graf Léon, der sich sofort in die Kommunistin verliebt, Ninotchkas Antwort: „Ihr Typ wird bald ausgestorben sein!“ Großartige Polit-Satire mit bissigen Dialogen und einer lachenden Greta Garbo.

Only the royal suite at the grandest hotel in Paris has a safe large enough for the jewels of the Grand Duchess Swana. So the three Russians who have come to sell the jewels settle into the suite until a higher ranking official is dispatched to find out what is delaying the sale. She is Ninotchka, a no nonsense woman who fascinates Count Leon who had been the faithful retainer of the Grand Duchess. The Grand Duchess will give up all claim to the jewels if Ninotchka will fly away from the count.
