
[Little Nemo - Abenteuer im Schlummerland] JP/USA 1989, R: Masami Hata, William Hurtz mit Takuma Gono, Chikao Otsuka, Koichi Kitamura bzw. David Turba, Gerd Duwner, Friedrich W. Bauschulte, 84 Min, DF

18.05. 16:00 DF; 22.05. 17:30 OmeU, 24.05. 18:00 OmeU

30 Jahre “Little Nemo”, eine japanisch-US-amerikanische Koproduktion, der erste Anime, der in den USA im Kino startete, allerdings in einer gekürzten Version, um das familienfreundliche Rating G zu erhalten. Eigentlich ist der kleine Nemo ein ganz gewöhnlicher Junge. Doch nachts, wenn er schläft, erlebt er die außergewöhnlichsten Abenteuer. Dann erhebt sich sein Bett, fliegt davon und bringt Nemo ins Schlummerland... Hier wird er vom König zum Thronfolger bestimmt. Doch Nemo öffnet mit dem goldenen Schlüssel verbotenerweise die Tür zum Land der Alpträume. Um das Schlummerland vor dem bösen Alptraumkönig zu bewahren, gerät Nemo in große Gefahr.

EN: In the magical land of dreams and the mystical world of nightmares: There is a place more wondrous than the Seven wonders... more magical than a Magic Carpet... and more enchanting than an Enchanted Forest.    

This place is the world of a child's dream where anything and everything is possible. Where time is timeless, and where imagination has no boundaries. Welcome to the dream world of Little "Nemo".

On one unforgettable night, Nemo falls asleep and enters into his dreamworld and with the help of his new found friend, Professor Genius, and Nemo's flying pet squirrel Icarus, they all journey together into Slumberland, beautiful utopia where all its people live in perfect harmony together.

Nemo is lovingly embraced by the people and especially the King of Slumberland who adopts Nemo and makes him heir apparent to the throne. He also entrust Nemo with a special key that Nemo has been given strict instructions not to unlock the door in which this key belongs to. He is also given a most prized possession of the King, the Royal Scepter.

Along the way, Nemo is befriended by Flip who becomes Nemo's mischief making sidekick and as curiosity would have it he convinces Nemo to unlock the door only to discover that he has now unleashed a horrific demon over Slumberland...
