
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Follia [Wahnsinn] [OmeU], Französisch-Italienisch mit Engl. Ut]

F /I 2024, R: Charles Guerin Surville, mit Stefano Cassetti, Manal Issa, Nicola Nocella, Danil Vorobyov, 84 Min,

Im Anschluss Gespräch mit dem Regisseur Charles Guerin Surville und Psychologinnen Karla Bernat und Camille de Sant (von centre pensees)

Regisseur: Charles Guerin Surville (Die Ehrlichkeit - La Sincérité). Cutter: Marco Spoletini (Gomorra) Chefkameramann: Luc Pagès Erster Assistent : David Putorti Verleiher: Beabia Films Synopsis:

Eine sizilianische Romanze in der Umgebung des Ätna über die Obsession der Liebe

A Sicilian romance set around Mount Etna about the obsession with love


This exceptional screening will combine cinema, theatre and psychology in the style of Pirandello, the Sicilian writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Covid, global conflicts and social networks are having a serious impact on mental health.

Sometimes, cinema, theatre and music help to "de-stigmatise mental disorders", according to Jérémie Dalous, a Parisian psychiatrist with @lapeps_paris.

The Berlin screening will feature a performance by the 'Déçois-Moi Ensemble' theatre ensemble @enttaeusche_mich led by Daniel Wittkopp and @rahel_maria_savoldelli Rahel Savoldelli. This charity, funded by the Charlottebourg Job Centre in Berlin, uses theatre to help long-term unemployed people with mental health problems. This incredible troupe will be speaking during the screening. 🥂🇫🇷🇮🇹🇩🇪🛵💃
A unique and immersive cinema experience.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with psychologists Karla Bernat and Camille Le Sant from the Pensées Centre in Berlin.🌋🇮🇹

Thanks to the French Institute @ifkudamm Sofia and Anne, to Rfi @rfi, to the Centre Pensées Karla @psychologue_expats and Camille as well as Enttäusche Mich Ensemble Daniel and Rahel.


Der depressive und verwirrte Filmemacher Mark versucht durch ein Filmprojekt in Sizilien, die Liebesgeschichte und die Frau, die er bei einem Unfall verloren hat, wieder aufleben zu lassen.

Seine Assistentin, eine chinesische Journalistin und eine temperamentvolle Reisende nehmen in seiner Fantasie abwechselnd den Platz der Verschwundenen ein, so dass Realität und Fiktion in der Vorstellung des Filmemachers verschmelzen.


Through a film project in Sicily, the depressed and confused filmmaker Mark tries to revive the love story and the woman he lost in an accident.

His assistant, a Chinese journalist and a spirited traveller take turns in his imagination to take the place of the missing woman, so that reality and fiction merge in the filmmaker's mind.
