
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



SPECIES OF BEES [20.000 especies de abejas] (Spanisch, Baskisch) [OmU] SP 2023, R: Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren mit Sofía Otero, Patricia López Arnaiz, Ane Gabarain, Itziar Lazkano, Martxelo Rubio, Sara Cózar, 129 Min

Cocó, acht Jahre alt, passt nicht zu den Erwartungen ihrer Umgebung und versteht nicht, warum sie darauf bestehen, sie Aitor zu nennen. Sie erkennt sich selbst nicht in diesem Namen oder im Blick der anderen. Ihre Mutter Ane, die sich in einer tiefen beruflichen und emotionalen Krise befindet, nutzt die Ferien, um mit ihren drei Kindern in das Familienhaus zu reisen, in dem ihre Mutter und ihre Tante als Imkerin leben. Dieser Sommer wird ihre Leben verändern und die Frauen dreier sehr unterschiedlicher Generationen zwingen, sich mit ihren Zweifeln und Ängsten auseinanderzusetzen.


Cocó, eight years old, does not fit the expectations of those around her and does not understand why they insist on calling her Aitor. She does not recognize herself in this name or in the eyes of others. Her mother Ane de ella, who is in a deep professional and emotional crisis, takes advantage of the holidays to travel with her three children to the family house where her mother and her beekeeper aunt live. This summer will change their lives and force women from three very different generations to face their doubts and fears.


Cocó, de vuit anys, no encaixa amb les expectatives del seu entorn i no entén per què insisteixen a dir-li Aitor. No es reconeix en aquest nom ni en la mirada dels altres. La seva mare Ane, que es troba en una profunda crisi professional i sentimental, aprofita les vacances per viatjar amb els seus tres fills a la casa familiar on viu la seva mare i la seva tieta apicultora. Aquest estiu canviarà les seves vides i obligarà a les dones de tres generacions molt diferents a enfrontar-se als seus dubtes i temors.

“20,000 species of bees” is the first feature film by Estibaliz Urresola –was the first debut feature by a Spanish female filmmaker in the official section at the Berlinale– won the Silver Bear for best female performance (Sofía Otero). It has also been recognized with the Guild Film Prize awarded by German exhibitors for the best film in competition, as well as the Berlinale Morgenpost Readers' Jury Award.
At the Gaudí Awards 2024, won the awards for Best Non-Catalan Language Film, Best New Director and Best Cinematography. At the Goya’s ceremony received awards for Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay and Best Best New Director.
The producers of the film are Lara Izagirre and Valérie Delpierre. Lara P. Camiña (BTeam) is the distributor.