
Modern Times, USA 1936, R: Charlie Chaplin mit Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Al Ernest Garcia, 89 Min, OmU



So, 31.3. 17:45 Ben Palmer

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We are happy to announce another Chaplin's masterpiece

Modern Times LIVE mit Babylon Orchester Berlin

Tickets: 29,- Euro (Online kein Aufpreis)

Sie werden lachen, Sie werden weinen und den Film nie mehr vergessen.

Modern Times, USA 1936, R: Charlie Chaplin mit Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Al Ernest Garcia, 89 Min, OmU

Charlie Chaplin ist wieder auf der Suche nach seinem kleinen bisschen Glück.
Diesmal geht es nicht um Gold in Alaska, er versucht mit seiner Hände Arbeit, ein „normales“ Leben zu finden.

Doch den Maschinen, den Umständen, vielen der Mitmenschen, fehlt der Bezug zu dem, was Chaplin uns sagen möchte.

Dabei kann er gar nicht sprechen, er ist doch stumm! Er tanzt, er gestikuliert und am Ende läuft er davon.

Es ist eine Flucht. Doch zum Glück findet er vorher die Frau seiner Träume.
Und so gehen sie in die Ferne, zu zweit, ins Land der Träume auf der Highway 61. Revisited.


You will laugh, you will cry and you will never forget the film.

Modern Times, USA 1936, R: Charlie Chaplin with Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Al Ernest Garcia, 89 min, OmU

Charlie Chaplin is again in search of his little bit of happiness.
This time it's not for gold in Alaska, he tries to find a "normal" life with his hands work.

But the machines, the circumstances, many of the fellow human beings, lack the reference to what Chaplin wants to tell us.

Yet he cannot speak at all, he is mute! He dances, he gesticulates, and in the end he runs away.

It is an escape. But fortunately he finds the woman of his dreams first.
And so they go off into the distance, two by two, into the land of dreams on Highway 61. Revisited.


Subjected to the infernal production rate of the factory, a model worker suddenly has a nervous breakdown and goes mad.

From hospital, to prison, to unemployment, the Little Tramp gets caught up in the sprockets and cogs of modern industrialization.
That is, until he comes across a beautiful orphaned gamine, whom he helps escape from the police.

How to break free from the constraints of modern life? Chaplin provides a critical look at productivity in the early 20th century& and well beyond!
Charlie is a factory worker in this hectic age - a minor cog in the grinding wheels of industry. His job -mechanically tightening bolts on a moving belt. The monotony of the work drives him beserk. Taken to hospital he soon recovers and is discharged, cautioned to avoid excitement. Caught in a street riot, he is mistaken for the leader and thrown into a patrol wagon.

Nonsense Song from Modern Times (Titine)
Music by Leo Daniderff, Lyrics by Charles Chaplin, Sung by Charles Chaplin
In 1936 the little fellow, Chaplin’s little tramp, had been one of the most famous figures in the world for over 20 years. Instantly recognisable, internationally loved.
When Chaplin sang this song in Modern Times it was the very first time that the world heard his voice, after two decades of silent pantomime.


Copyright © Roy Export S.A.S
Music for Modern Times Copyright © Roy Export Company Ltd. and Bourne Co.
All rights reserved