
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Finlandia: Je`vida [OmeU] FIN, 2023, R: Katja Gauriloff mit Agafia Niemenmaa, Heidi Gauriloff, Sanna-Kaisa Palo, 100 Min


Eine alte Frau aus dem Stamm der Skolt-Sámi, die unter dem Druck der Assimliation ihre Herkunft verdrängt hat, streift drei historische Epochen, um das Schicksal der indigenen Völker Finnlands kennenzulernen.


An old woman from the Skolt-Sámi tribe, who has suppressed her origins under the pressure of assimilation, touches on three historical epochs to learn about the fate of Finland's indigenous peoples.
