
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Stummfilm um Mitternacht: Hungaricum: Slave Bird [Rabmadár] [OmeU] Ungarn, D, 1929, R:Sugár Pál mit Lázár Lajos, hans Adalbert Schlettow, Lissy Arna, 46 Min, Live an der Orgel Anna Vavilkina, Eintritt frei Admission free!

Rabmadár ('Prisoner Number Seven') is a young lady who was set up to help her lover steal, but she got nabbed and jailed. Her only wish is to see her sweetheart again, and she finally persuades the prison doctor to let her out for the evening. When she finds her beau, we discover he's a Lothario who's preparing to rob a hotel safe and disappear with his new lover. This collision of worlds results in a fatal accident. 

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