DMP Cinema and Babylon invite you to the ultimate Vincent Price showcase with our VINCENT PRICE DOUBLE FEATURE featuring the original American prints of THE LAST MAN ON EARTH and HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL - with a special introduction from author Chris Chinchilla, and a vintage horror trailer shows before each film - as part of our DMP SUMMER SCARE-A-THON series - horror classics every night at Babylon from May 2nd until May 6th!
The Last Man on Earth, USA 1964, R: Sidney Salkow mit Vincent Price, Christi Courtland, Milton Reid, 90 Min, OmU
When a disease turns humans into vampiric zombies, Dr Robert Morgan becomes the only person to be uninfected and must fight to survive in the apocalyptic world.
House on Haunted Hill, USA 1959, R: William Castle mit Vincent Price, Carol Ohmart, Richard Long, 75 Min, OmU
Frederick Loren, a millionaire, along with his fourth wife, Annabelle, invites five people to a house on a hilltop for a haunted-house party, promising them $10,000 if they make it through the night.
Author Chris Chinchilla and his new zombie apocalypse book, The Dead Among Us -
What happens when the living and the previously dead fall in love?
Ten years after a long and brutal war, there is an uneasy peace between the living and the previously dead. Reluctantly reunited families, industries, and governments struggle to keep the world from falling back into bloody chaos.
Fate throws two couples together, and then the unexpected and assumed impossible happens, turning their lives and the world upside down.
“The dead among us” is a post-post-apocalyptic Thriller love story that shows that understanding can conquer history, resentment, and generational divides to create a new world."
Link to the e-book: