
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Jamaika 2019. R: Louis Amon Josek, 78 Min, Shot in Jamaika, Japan, Hawaii, OV (English)

The director will be present

Out Deh is a documentary film that portrays the Youth of Jamaica: a new generation in transition, determined to get out of old and set structures in society and culture – and contribute with their fresh mindset and strength to a new understanding of the island.

By diving into the reality of the three protagonists Shama, Romar, and Bakersteez, the film offers us a deep insight into their daily struggle of searching their individual way out: Shama the first professional surfer of the island. Bakersteez is just starting a worldwide career as one of the uprising rappers creating and adding to a new Jamaican sound.

The rough surrounding of Romar, born and raised in the Ghetto of Tivoli Garden, touches deeply while we can share his dreams and thoughts about putting his first step out. Out Deh makes us aware of a new movement on the island of Jamaica: and generates respect and compassion for young people who follow their visions with courage and commitment.