
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



Filmmaking for Artists;

Tickets: matthiasvonbraun.com/workshops  =>   HIER

Beginners Filmmaking Workshop A beginner-level filmmaking workshop at Babylon for adults.

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We reserve the right to cancel this workshop.

Saturday 12 April

Price per participant (limited to 10 participarts): 80,-  Euro

Filmmaking for Artists; Intermediate Filmmaking Workshop

An intermediate-level filmmaking workshop at Babylon for adults.  Babylon hosts an intermediate-level filmmaking workshop, led by award-winning dark surrealist filmmaker Matthias Von Braun exploring German Expressionism, camera lenses, settings and lighting. Participants create, shoot, and edit an original art film together.
Refreshments served. Lunch is not provided.