
"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck,and Hitler is going to end up as a piece of cheese."



A Portrait of the Artist as a Worker (RMX.), 2006, 11 Min, The Law, 2011, 5 Min, Swing Lesson, 2013, 9 Min  - insg. 56 Min – Eintritt frei!

The Insurrection Will Not Be Tweeted, 2018, 11 Min,

Das Lebende Bild, 2016, 1 Min,

Das Lied des Schiffsjungen, 2018, 6 Min,

Willi Bredel, 2018, 4 Min,

Agitkas, 2017-2019 (ongoing), 9 Min –