
[Notes for a heist Film] ESP 2018, R: León Siminiani mit Ainhoa Ramírez, León Siminiani, David Ambit, OmeU, 90 Min

Aus seiner Faszination für den Film Noir und für Bankräuber-Filme entwickelte Regisseur León Simiani einen ganz besonderen Dokumentarfilm: Mit und über den Bankräuber Flako, den Robin Hood von Vallecas (Stadtteil von Madrid). Dieser lernte das Handwerk von seinem Vater. Während seiner Hafturlaube drehte Simiani mit ihm und überwand sogar seine Klaustrophobie, als er mit Flako in das enge Madrider Kanalisationssystem hinabstieg. Denn nur so würde er das Ganze erst richtig verstehen.

Elías is a filmmaker that has always dreamt of making a heist film. It was during the summer of 2013 when he finds out a piece of news about the detention of "the Robin Hood of Vallecas (popular neighborhood in Madrid)", the leader of "the sewer gang". He feels that there could be his chance for fulfilling his dream so he writes a letter to the Robin Hood and send it to the jail where he is imprison. Against all odds, he receives an answer three weeks later. The Robin Hood accepts to meet him. This documentary is the story of a friendship between a film-maker and a burglar, with a sharing goal: a heist film

“Although Leon Siminiani is probably not the kind of director to attempt a Spanish remake of Ocean’s Eleven, Notes for a Heist Movie does make for a distinctive and engaging contribution to the genre. Part video diary, part movie homage, part heist thriller and part other stuff, Heist … is a very Spanish item that nonetheless sheds plenty of light on a murky, sensationalistic world of universal interest.” (Hollywood Reporter)



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